Website Protection with WebTotem for Plesk

In an era of increasing cyber threats, the security of websites is becoming critically important for businesses. WebTotem offers an extension for Plesk that enables hosting companies and server administrators to efficiently protect web resources. Let’s take a look at the main features and benefits of this solution.


Key Features and Benefits

  1. DDoS Attack Protection: WebTotem provides powerful tools to protect against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, ensuring stable website operation even under significant threat.
  2. SSL Verification: The extension regularly checks SSL certificates on websites, ensuring they are up-to-date and correctly configured, which is crucial for secure data exchange.
  3. Antivirus: WebTotem includes a built-in antivirus for scanning and detecting malicious software, helping to prevent website infections.
  4. Reports: The tool provides detailed reports on security status, allowing administrators to respond promptly to potential threats and track all changes.
  5. Port Scanner: WebTotem includes a port scanner to check for open ports on servers, helping to identify potential vulnerabilities.
  6. Path Scanner: The tool also scans for open paths on the server to prevent unauthorized access to files and directories.
  7. IP Reputation: WebTotem checks the reputation of IP addresses interacting with the website, helping to filter out suspicious requests and prevent attacks.

Licensing Model and Hosting Provider Rights

In addition to domain owners, the WebTotem extension license can be purchased by Plesk panel owners with hosting provider rights. Hosting providers purchase the license from Plesk, making it available for installation and use on their clients’ websites.

Hosting providers can share access to the extension with their resellers and end clients. The license is activated on a single Plesk installation, and end users can only add sites linked to their account in the Plesk panel. Providers can see a list of all sites added by their clients, ensuring transparency and control.


The WebTotem extension for Plesk is a reliable solution for ensuring the security of websites. It provides powerful tools for monitoring and protection, available to both hosting providers and their clients. Install WebTotem and make security an essential part of your service, offering your clients additional value and protection.

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