Web-Application Penetration Testing
Penetration testing is a real-time attack on your digital assets to reveal security weaknesses or loopholes in your infrastructure. This is a single way to find out what hackers could access within your website or network.
We help you to detect and fix both high and low risk vulnerabilities to ensure that your digital assets are as secure as they can be.

Why do you need it

86% of web resources contain at least one critical vulnerability. Their experts advise regular pentests.
The number of web applications with critical vulnerabilities is 67%.
Vulnerabilities with a high level of risk and higher are found in 57.9% of web applications.
Our Penetration Testing offers:
Black box
Testing, which involves both checking the functionality of the system, and its general characteristics. This type does not imply knowledge of the internal structure of the tested information system. Contractor’s specialists act as external attackers. A fairly limited number of hacking paths and possible vulnerabilities are tested and covered.

Gray box
Testing, which suggests that pentesters only partially have knowledge of the internal structure of the tested information system. For example, access to information about the internal structure of the system and the algorithms of its operation is allowed, but at the same time, the Contractor’s specialists act from the position of an external attacker. A combination of white and black box penetration testing methods.

White box
Testing, assuming that the Contractor’s specialists have information about the internal structure, architecture, implementation of the tested information system. One of the advantages of this type of testing is a wider and deeper coverage of possible entry points and vulnerabilities in the system.

Наши особенности

Our team
Battle-tested OSCP/OSCE certified security engineers are at your service.
Client base
We built our expertise and reputation on over hundreds of clients globally.
We have been winning several international competitions for the last 3 years (PHDays).
We have our own research studies, publications, and certificates.
We are the founders of the biggest hackers community in Central Asia (Kaz’Hack’Stan).